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Our free eBook!
Beat the Crowd: 10 shortcuts that will make you quicker in Excel

From our "Build models like a #1 ranked analyst" series of eBooks

We love a bit of Excel. We use it every day, as do most investment analysts. But we think we could all be quicker. Being quicker, more accurate and more efficient in Excel, buys us time. Time to think, to have some introspection time and to generate new ideas. But this all starts off with being quick. Let us make you quicker...
Ebook numbers

The results speak for themselves

1# ranked in EMEA Institutional
Investor Survey

hour per day thinking about Excel and financial modeling....(?)
Write your awesome label here.

years of instructional experience

One of only 6 holders (globally) of the Master of Financial Modeling designation
Ebook contents

What you'll find inside

Download your copy of our eBook today and start the journey to becoming a ruthlessly efficient pro in Excel!

Practical tips from the pros

We worked at the highest level in Investment Banking. There was no time for inefficiency or poor execution. It all starts from ground zero - being quick in Excel - creating bandwidth and buying time for higher-level thinking. We don't know it all, but we know more than most, so tap in your resources and make the most of yours.

Instructor-led demo videos

Our eBooks fuse written content, clear, context relevant imagery and FHD demonstration videos, thus delivering content through multiple mediums, enhancing retention and improving application.

Digestible, microlearning content

We are mighty believers in micro-learning - short-focused learning pieces. Micro-learning aligns with people's lifestyles, can be access across multiple devices and platforms and be consume at the users chosen pace
Ebook testimonials

Testimonials from people who have worked with Geoff

US-Based Portfolio Manager
"I can honestly say, this class, is the best class I've taken in my investment career.t."
EMEA-Based Portfolio Manager
"Their initiatives around education are without peer - a really exceptional effort"
Geoff Robinson FCA FMVA MFM

A word from the author

Geoff has had a varied career. He was a Managing Director within UBS Equity Research, leading their Global Fundamental Analytics franchise. During this time, he was #1, ranked 8x in the EMEA Institutional Investor Survey, he also built their Ed-Tech platform, the Research Academy. Before UBS, he was a material equity investor and LBO co-investor in two market exited training consultancies.

Geoff has a passion for learning and is well-known for his ability to break down complex subject matter and distil it to an audience in a digestible and engaging manner. He brings this passion to

Outside of work, Geoff is a PADI Specialties Dive Instructor, supports Newcastle United FC, addicted to vinyl and loves going to live gigs, and he holds NED positions with several start-ups around the globe.