Instructor-led program (virtual)

The Investment 
Analyst Program

Investment Analyst Program is our flagship a 10-day instructor-led training program designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge in accounting, analysis, financial modeling, fundamental valuation, and constructing investment theses as well as integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations.

This comprehensive program is tailored to individuals aspiring to excel in the dynamic field of investment analysis and management.
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Investment analyst program dates

Achieve your goals

Build your Professional Skills

Our products are developed by subject matter experts with real-life experience. This ensures that they are as close to real-life scenarios as possible, which helps you learn the material on the ground.

Accounting and analysis fundamentals from an analysts perspective

Gain a solid foundation in financial accounting principles and practices. Understand how to analyze financial statements, assess company performance, and identify key financial indicators that drive investment decisions.

Financial modeling - clean, clear and effective

Master the art of financial modeling, a crucial skill for investment analysts. Discover how to build comprehensive and dynamic financial models using Excel, incorporating revenue projections, expense forecasts, and valuation methodologies., coupled with detailed sensitivity and scenario analysis

Fundamental valuation fused with
an investment mindset

Dive into the world of fundamental valuation methods, such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis and relative valuation. Understand how to estimate a company's intrinsic value, evaluate investment attractiveness, and identify potential market mispricing. 

A paperless program

The program embraces a paperless approach, utilizing digital resources and tools to minimize environmental impact. Additionally, participants will gain insights into incorporating ESG considerations into financial modeling, aligning their analysis with sustainable and responsible investing principles.

Who should attend?

The Investment Analyst Program is ideal for individuals aspiring to pursue careers as

  • investment analysts (equity, credit, sell-side and buy-side,
  • credit analysts,
  • portfolio managers,
  • M&A bankers,
  • private equity professionals
  • or related roles within the finance and investment management industry.

It is suitable for recent graduates, early-career professionals, or those seeking to transition into investment-related fields

You are in Good Care

"I can honestly say, this class, is the best class I've taken in my investment career.".

US- based portfolio manager

"Picture everything you might have learned during a 3 years undergraduate finance degree, take out all the unnecessary material and add back everything you might have missed and the practical application you most likely missed and you get a Geoff Robinson’s training program condensed to only 2 weeks!"

US-based Investment Banker

"The quality of the training, their style and
approach to the task at hand are one of kind and
their modelling skills are second to none! "

US-based Buy-side analyst

"I have attended many of their webinars and the content has been best in class. In addition, They have a wonderful presenting style that brings the content to life in an understandable and entertaining way. They is also very entrepreneurial and constantly thinks of ways to make things better."

European asset manager